Pan-Oston Creates Kiosks for an Assortment of Retailers!
We’re in the news! Catch the full article by By Mario Toneguzzi “Embrace Kiosks Amid Retail Real Estate Shift”, in Retail Insider!
Here are the highlights!
“Kiosks have become a popular and growing trend in the retail industry in recent years as different brands, beyond cellphone companies, are using the unique space to sell everything from sun glasses to specialty foods.
Manufacturer Pan-Oston, based in Peterborough, Ontario, has capitalized on this trend by creating and pre-making kiosks for an assortment of retailers.
Today, kiosks are being used for all kinds of products and services such as banking, wine, insurance, heavy tools and travel, said Greg Butler, president of Pan-Oston, which is a leading Canadian retail store fixture manufacturer with about 40 years’ experience.
“Our impression why we’re seeing more kiosks located not only in malls but also within large retailers – they’re setting up standalone kiosks within stores as well – the cost of real estate of course is the biggest driver,” said Butler. “Some of the chains out there now logically go in and take over a retail space, four walls, and with that they’re paying for the complete renovation of the space to set it to their brand, their shape, their size. Fixture it all out. Light it, include signage and increasingly digital.”

“Nowadays the cost of that versus a small cost of rental for a centre aisle within a mall is much, much cheaper. Now when they look at a pre-manufactured kiosk like we’re providing from a factory – for the sake of argument putting it in simple terms comes in, plug and play – it’s installed, instant store.”
Manufacturer Pan-Oston, based in Peterborough, Ontario, has capitalized on this trend by creating and pre-making kiosks for an assortment of retailers.
…full article at